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Focus Inward And Draw Your Cards

This Is A Three-Card Spread Based On The Major Arcana,
Structured In A Past/Present/Future Layout.
Peer Into Your Fate…
  • ZUDQ
    Card three
    The Empress

    The Empress is maternal intuition and manifestation embodied; a symbol of the powerful divine feminine in us all. She is driven by her desire to nurture her kingdom and foster a space for creativity and compassion, and can symbolize a connection with Mother Earth itself.

    When The Empress crosses your path, know that she represents abundance and blessings, whether it be a windfall or boon of your own creating. Now is the time to reap your rewards and share them with those nearest and dearest to you.

    The Empress also calls on you to embrace your empathetic nature and open yourself to circumstances that bring life, happiness, and delight. This empathy has a place both within you and without, so be kind to yourself and remember that your needs are just as important as the needs of those you care for.

  • WFWU
    Card Four
    The Emperor

    The Emperor is a force of paternal guidance and structured authority, counseling you to approach your goals methodically and with discipline. With decisive strategy comes decisive success.

    Know that while the paternal nature of The Emperor guides you to foster logic, discipline, and honor, there is danger in remaining too inflexible to adapt to life’s inevitable surprises. His greatest wish is to provide a secure foundation for his Kingdom’s measured growth, but without the empathetic balance of The Empress, he can enforce growth coldly and without compassion. Too much of anything is a burden, and so we are cautioned against rigid, stubborn mindsets that render us incapable of adapting to the elements around us.

    Remember, creating order in life simply for order’s sake leaves us constrained by loveless logic; rather we should seek logical order that adapts to our needs. Take measure of your resources and capabilities, and create a foundation for growth that will serve the life of your kingdom.

  • STNN
    Card nineteen
    The Sun

    The Sun represents the perpetual dawn; a symbol of great renewal, joy, and optimism. It gives everything we know life and pierces the shadows that haunt us. Success and abundance are deserved, and this card counsels you to share this warm, radiant energy with the ones you surround yourself with.

    The Sun also cautions you against fighting the feeling of peace and calm that comes when you are aligned with yourself. Being a placid sea may feel like you are lacking in energy if you are used to stormy waves, but know that the time is right to lean in and trust the lifegiving calm you’ve brought yourself into.
